COVID-19 Safety Plan
Member Awareness
- Until further notice; all registrations must be completed online, without exception. VISA and MasterCard are the only form of payment that can be processed online.
- We have updated our Informed Consent & Assumption of Risk Agreement for all participants, to be completed online in our registration app.
- Each family will be asked to complete a Declaration of Compliance who attend our programs to declare their understanding of COVID-19 as well as their responsibility to self-regulate, to be completed online in our registration app.
- Participants may not enter the facility if they or a household member has had onset of illness with symptoms compatible with suspected or lab-confirmed COVID-19 in the prior 5 or 10 days.
- You need to be aware that physical distancing protocols will be in place. Your child must be able to follow instructions/protocols throughout their class or day camp. If you feel your child will have difficulty with these strict protocols, please do not register them.
- REVOKED - March 2022
- Non-Medical Masks are Mandatory in the Town of Caledon
- Everyone must wear a face covering before entering (and when exiting) a public establishment, and while they are inside except where noted below.
- The following people do NOT have to wear a mask:
- People who are engaged in an athletic, fitness or aquatic activity in accordance with the Emergency Order.
Entering & Exiting Facility
- All individuals (participants, parents/guardians, visitors and staff) should properly wash their hands with soap and water or sanitize hands upon entering the facility, and when exiting.
- REVOKED - March 2022
- Screening
- Parents must complete a Daily Screening Questionnaire before bringing their child to the gym.
- An email will be sent approximately 2 hours before the start of the day's classes to complete the screening.
- No students and spectators with symptoms can enter the facility. Signs are posted at entrances to the facility to remind staff, parents/guardians, and other visitors.
- If anyone in a student’s household is showing symptoms of illness, they cannot attend.
- Please remember to physically distance when dropping off and picking up your child.
- A staff member may greet the gymnast inside the facility, participants who have not completed the Daily Screening online survey will not be permitted to participate until it has been completed.
- Screening
Facility Safeguarding
- We will limit spectators to one accompanying parent, guardian or other adult for each participant under the age of 18 who will be permitted in the facility. However, our competitive program and some recreational classes will have scheduled viewing times due to limited space in our viewing area so as to allow for physical distancing.
- Ensure respiratory etiquette is followed by advising individuals to cough or sneeze into one’s arm or a tissue.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth, especially with unwashed hands.
- Students must bring their own labelled water bottles, and no sharing.
- If a child becomes ill at the facility the following actions will be taken:
- Isolate the child in a separate area, with supervision
- Ensure physical distancing from other participants
- Staff should be mindful of hand washing and avoid contact with the child's respiratory secretions
- Notify parents to come pick up their child immediately
- All equipment used by the child should be immediately removed from use by any other gymnasts and cleaned immediately
- Cleaning and disinfecting (at least twice a day) frequently touched surfaces. These surfaces are most likely to become contaminated, including doorknobs, refrigerator handle, light switches, toilet and faucet handles, electronic devices, and tabletops. Refer to Public Health Ontario Environmental Cleaning Fact Sheet.
- We will be using cleaning and disinfectant products that have a Drug Identification Number (DIN). Low-level hospital grade disinfectants may be used.
- Performing and promoting, frequent proper hand hygiene (including supervising or assisting participants with hand hygiene). Hand washing using soap and water is recommended over alcohol-based hand rub for children. Refer to Public Health Ontario How to Wash Your Hands Fact Sheet.
- While close contact may be unavoidable between members of a cohort (group/class), physical distancing and general infection prevention and control practices should still be practiced and encouraged.
Facility Safeguarding (continued)
- Personal belongings brought to class or day camp should be minimized. If brought to day camp, personal items (e.g., backpack, clothing, water bottles, food, etc.) should be labeled and will be kept in an area designated for the individual’s cohort (group/class) and should not be handled by individuals from other cohorts (groups/classes).
- Snacks that are brought by the participant and staff:
- We will ensure participants and staff perform proper hand hygiene before and after eating.
- We will ensure each participant and staff have their own drink bottle that is labeled, kept with them during the day, and not shared.
- We will ensure each day camp participant has their own individual meal or snack, and not shared.
- Physical distancing should be maintained while eating.
- When the temperature permits, the garage doors and/or man doors will be opened to allow for fresh air during training.
Program Management
- No physical contact among participants, unless a mask is worn by a staff member to attend to a participant.
- Velcro and other markings will be used to create physical distancing lines within the facility.
- Management of participants, and staff with Suspected COVID-19
- If a participant begins to experience symptoms of COVID-19 while attending our programs, we will:
- Symptomatic participant must be immediately separated from others in a supervised area until they can go home. In addition, where possible, anyone who is providing care to the camp participant should maintain a distance of at least 2 metres.
- At a minimum, the participant (if tolerated) and staff member should wear a non-medical mask and maintain physical distancing when possible.
- Participants will be reminded of hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette while waiting to be picked-up.
- Tissues will be provided to the camp participant to support proper respiratory etiquette, along with proper disposal of the tissues.
- Participants with symptoms should be referred to be tested.
- Participants or staff who have been exposed to a confirmed case of COVID-19 will be excluded from the program setting for 5 or 10 days.
- Athletes will not sit together or congregate during rest time or between turns; we will ensure safe physical distancing.
- All registration, administrative and billing will be done by phone or email, our office will not accept in-person registrations.
Class Management
- The following people do NOT have to wear a mask:
- People who are engaged in an athletic, fitness or aquatic activity in accordance with the Emergency Order.
- The participant and staff may remove their face covering once they enter the training space.
- Gymnasts are to avoid physical contact with one another; e.g. no hugs, high fives, etc.
- No partner activities during warm-up, training, and conditioning if physical distancing cannot be maintained.
- All gymnasts must frequently, and properly wash or sanitize their hands.
- Limited spotting for recreational programs, when necessary for teaching and instruction that cannot be effectively provided if physical distancing is maintained; staff will wear a mask when spotting.
- We will use stations with varied progressions to instruct the students.
- What is a station? If your child has previously participated in our programs you will have observed the staff setting up multiple stations for each child to work on a specific skill. We will make sure that each station is a minimum of 6 feet from one another, and that each participant does not move to the next station until instructed to do so by their Coach to ensure they are physically distancing.
Staff Management
- REVOKED - March 2022
- Prior to coming to work (daily), staff are required to report to their designated supervisor the results of their Daily Screening test for COVID-19 and determine if either they or a household member has had onset of illness with symptoms compatible with suspected or lab-confirmed COVID-19 in the prior 14 days; a staff log to record the self-assessment will be kept.
- Hands free coaching, with limited spotting (see fifth bullet in Class Management | Limited spotting for recreational programs...) e.g. mainly stations with varied progressions, unless required to prevent injury.
- We have advised all staff of their role in monitoring participants and ensuring club protocols are modeled and adhered to (e.g., entering/exiting the facility, accessing washrooms/change rooms, regular hand washing, physical distancing, etc.)
- We have reminded staff to consider the emotional toll the pandemic may have had on athletes/families; coaches will monitor their athletes’ mental well-being.