Sunday June 2, 2024

Competitive Program

The club continues to successfully develop athletes in the Women's Artistic Gymnastics program, all of whom began their gymnastics career in the very same recreational program that your daughter is enrolled in.

Eligible children must register in advance for the tryouts which are available for girls born in the following years;

Mini Pre-Competitive 4 Team: 2019 & 2020 year of birth

Pre-Competitive 6 Team: 2017 & 2018 year of birth

An email will be sent to students currently enrolled in our Spring Session within the above listed year's of birth. You will then need to complete the survey to sign-up.

A separate email will be sent within forty-eight hours from the date to confirm the times of the assessments, which will be scheduled in the afternoon (exact time to be determined). There will not be any opportunity for a make-up date.

If you are not currently enrolled in our programs you can contact us to inquire about how to sign-up. Or, please email us if you are interested using the Contact Us page if you did not receive the email.

Life Changes to Keep in Mind

  • At the younger team levels, the number of hours of practice per week is relatively small. As your child progresses up the competitive ladder, the hours and days of workout will continue to grow.
  • You will have to change your schedule to the extent that you are available to drive your gymnast to and from practice. Carpooling with other team parents is a good solution.
  • There will be gymnastics meets that consume one to several weekends during the competitive season depending on your child’s competitive level.
  • Homework will have to be done much more efficiently and with better study habits due to shorter periods of time available. It has been our experience that students who are involved in our competitive team program tend to have good grades and are better at studying because they have learned to budget their time more effectively than their peers.
  • Time management skills will become a necessity in all areas of your gymnast’s life (and yours). Your child will have less time at home and less time to spend with friends outside the sphere of gymnastics influence.

The following questions are frequently asked and the answers should assist you with your decision to try-out and join the competitive program.

Competitive Women's Artistic Gymnastics - What does it mean?
We believe that gymnastics teaches life skills along with the greatest overall body conditioning your child could be involved in. Properly taught gymnastics teaches self-motivation, discipline, pride, dedication, determination, work ethic, time management, teamwork, team spirit, leadership, sportsmanship, respect for others, poise and many more positive characteristics.

When and how will I be notified if my daughter has been accepted onto a competitive team?
We will contact you shortly after the evaluation to notify you if your daughter has been invited onto a team, which team she is invited to join or will recommend continuing to develop in the recreational program.

If accepted into the program when would training start?
Training would start during the week of July 15.

The competitive team athletes train forty-nine weeks of the year, with days off during the statutory holidays. There is a scheduled two week break during the first two weeks of July and the week following Civic Day in August. If you already have vacation plans made this summer it is not a problem, we merely ask that your daughter attends as much as possible when you are at home; fees are still payable during absences.

How many hours and or days per week will my daughter train?
Your daughter may be invited to train with the following teams;

  • Mini Pre-Competitive 4 Team: trains two times per week for 2 hours per class

  • Pre-Competitive 6 Team: trains two times per week for 3 hours per class

When are practices held?
The start time on a weekday is usually 4:00 pm when classes are scheduled to begin during the school year.

There is daytime training during the summer in July and August, however all classes are usually scheduled from Monday to Thursday. Please note these times and days are subject to change.

Mini Pre-Competitive 4 Team

  • Summer Schedule
    Monday 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
    Thursday 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
  • School Year Schedule
    Thursday 4:00 - 6:00 pm
    Sunday 8:30 - 10:30 am

Pre-Competitive 6 Team

  • Summer Schedule
    Monday 12:30 - 3:30 pm
    Thursday 12:30 - 3:30 pm
  • School Year Schedule
    Wednesday 4:00 - 7:00 pm
    Sunday 11:00 am - 2:00 pm

How much are the training fees and when are they payable?

Mini-Pre-Competitive 4 Team: $231 per month (4 hours per week)

Pre-Competitive 6 Team: $274 per month (6 hours per week)

Payments are made in twelve equal monthly installments on the first day of each month by credit card in our automatic recurring payment plan.

Other fees include the annual Competitive Membership Fee; this fee is equal to one month’s training fees. The Gymnastics Ontario registration fees for the participant and the club; this amount varies depending on the level of the gymnast. The purchase of a training suit and or a competition suit.

Will they get to snack since training occurs over the dinner hour?
Yes, athletes are encouraged to bring healthy nutritional snacks to refuel their bodies. In between events the gymnasts will be given a couple of minutes to hydrate with water and have their snack.

Will I have to fund-raise or volunteer?
No, we do not fund-raise or require volunteer hours from our parents. The Competitive Membership Fee (previously mentioned) exonerates families from having to fund-raise, since we know in most instances the parents are usually dipping further into their own wallets to do so. Occasionally the club will host a competition when volunteers are required. Parents are needed to set-up equipment; accept admissions; sell at concessions and various other duties. Since our hosting of events is infrequent there has always been an excellent turn out.

What if I have some other questions not mentioned here?
Please do not hesitate to contact us so that we may assist you. We realize that this is a major decision with commitment from your daughter and the family. These frequently asked questions will at least give you some insight into our competitive program.

A member of our staff will be available to answer questions during the evaluations and provide further information if you choose to sign up your daughter.

© Copyright Etobicoke Gymnastics